About Us

Frank Fleer – Director
Frank is well known in the environmental field, specialising in air quality matters over the past 40 years, including 26 years as Managing Director of AWN (Air Water Noise) Consultants and nine years as Principal Air & Noise Group with Golder Associates.

Frank’s experience covers a range of fields, including; environmental management, environmental auditing, workplace exposure assessment and control procedures, industrial source emission monitoring and control, ambient air quality monitoring, soil vapour monitoring, indoor air quality monitoring, air quality impact assessment and mathematical modelling. He has published over 50 papers/chapters on air quality issues and is a Past Federal President and Fellow of CASANZ and a Fellow of Engineers Australia. He is also a Past Chairperson of both the CASANZ Measurement and Odour Special Interest Groups and a member of the NEPC Advisory Group during development of the Air NEPM and PM 2.5 Advisory Reporting Standard. In 2017, Frank was the first person outside North America to be appointed a Fellow of the Air & Waste Management Association.

Frank is a certified Environmental Auditor under the Victorian Environment Protection Act 1970 and has conducted numerous statutory and company initiated audits of industrial facilities to assess environmental performance. As Chairperson of Standards Australia/Standards New Zealand Committees EV-007 ‘Methods for Examination of Air’, EV-007- 3-1 ‘Odour Measurement Test Method’ and EV-007- 1 ‘Stationary Source Emission Testing’, substantial input is made into establishing suitable methods for air quality monitoring. Frank was solely responsible for drafting a substantial number of Standards dealing with air emission and ambient air quality monitoring, most recently those applying to road tunnel air quality monitoring and ambient air quality data validation and reporting.

As Co-Chairperson of the NATA Life Sciences Accreditation Advisory Committee and a NATA Assessor, he reviews the test methods, laboratory procedures and quality systems management of laboratories that have applied for accreditation in the field of air quality monitoring and assists in establishing requirements for NATA accreditation. He is also a Technical Assessor for International Accreditation New Zealand (IANZ) and the Hong Kong Accreditation Service (HKAS). Internationally he has conducted projects relating to air quality issues in New Zealand, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Papua New Guinea, Fiji, Yemen, Indonesia, Solomon Islands and Malaysia.

Helen Murphy – Director
Helen has had over 30 years’ experience in both the public and private sectors in a broad range of industries both nationally and internationally. With a keen interest in strategy and policy development, she is familiar with working in complex business environments and has become accustomed and skilled in managing high level relationships and advising and negotiating with senior management within industry and government. She has provided strategic advice for mergers, acquisitions, divestments, corporatisation, and privatisation, successfully negotiating terms of environmental warranties.

She has extensive experience in climate change and energy policy having delivered Victoria’s first and only Greenhouse Reduction Deed with a major power company, incorporating a comprehensive assessment of commercial risk and technical feasibility. For over ten years, she led the climate change agenda for VicRoads, developing for the first time a Strategy for Climate Change which is now in its second iteration. As part of this role, she established the Transport Agencies Greenhouse Group (TAGG) representing all road agencies across Australia and New Zealand to develop a carbon assessment tool to assess the carbon footprint of road projects.

She has facilitated Ministerial review of the significant environmental effects of major transport projects including Melbourne Metro and North East Link, providing authoritative advice on interpretation of Ministerial requirements across government and to proponents.
Since 2008, she has been an active member of the environmental committees for PIARC-World Road Association, as editor and peer reviewer of a number of technical reports including: Review of National Policies for Climate Change, Transport Strategies for Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation and from 2016-2019 as Chair of the international committee that produced two leading best practice guides on air pollution associated with road operations and traffic noise. This committee also developed one of the most comprehensive databases on global road noise policies and criteria (RoadNoisedB) which is accessible as a key resource for all road agencies and acoustic specialists.

She was previously a certified industrial facilities auditor under the Victorian Environment Protection Act 1970 for over 20 years conducting numerous statutory and company-initiated audits of industrial facilities, including managing one of the largest environmental auditing programmes in the world across three continents.
She has held a number of non-executive director roles and is currently a member of the Victorian Government Ministerial Advisory Committee for the Hazelwood Long Term Health Study.